Terms of Use
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. They govern your use of this Web site. By using this Web site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, as they may be modified by Ford’s Theatre from time to time and posted on this Web site.
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By using the Ford’s Theatre Web site, you accept the terms and conditions stated herein. If you do not accept, please do not use our Web site.
Ford’s Theatre reserves the right to change the content and polices of Ford’s Theatre at any time. Any changes made in our privacy policy will be noted in our privacy policy statement. Please check the date located at the top of the privacy policy to find out when the most recent privacy policy changes occurred. After a change takes place, your continued use of www.fordstheatrstg.wpengine.com means you accept those changes.
Thank you for reading our terms and conditions. We hope you enjoy visiting www.fordstheatrstg.wpengine.com.