One Destiny: On Demand
Stream One Destiny Through May 2024!
Ford’s Theatre presents One Destiny: On Demand – a play that explores the fateful night of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination told from the perspectives of Ford’s Theatre owner Harry Ford and actor Harry Hawk. This recorded performance, featuring Michael Bunce and Stephen F. Schmidt, can now be streamed on demand and will be available through the end of 2023. One Destiny: On Demand makes this powerful play accessible to individuals and school groups beyond Ford’s Theatre historic site visits. Whether you’re a history lover who wants to experience this Ford’s Theatre tradition from your home, or you’re an educator sharing it with your classroom, you have the flexibility to determine the where and when. Ready to take One Destiny to your destination? Reserve tickets now at the links below!
Length: 40 minutes with no intermission. Recommended for ages 8 and older.
Ticket Information
General public access is available at the link below. Reserve tickets and watch One Destiny On Demand at your convenience!
Educators, please note that there are two options to reserve tickets for your classroom. Read the options below and choose what’s right for you:
Schools who qualify for the Free Field Trip Program also qualify for complimentary access to One Destiny: On Demand.
To qualify for Complimentary Access, your school must be a:
- D.C. Public School or D.C. Chartered Public School; or
- D.C., Maryland or Virginia Title 1 school, or school with 40% or more student eligible for Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS); or
- Title 1 school or school with 40% or more students eligible for FARMS outside the D.C.-metro area.
Don’t Qualify for Free Access? Teachers and schools who wish to show One Destiny: On Demand in their classroom may purchase a viewing for a flat rate of $30 per classroom.
Artistic Team
Teacher Resources
Use these resources to enhance your students’ experience, including discussion questions and lesson plans. Resources are available in English and Spanish.